Some use of color, like taxis that are yellow and mailboxes that are blue, are deeply rooted in our perception of the world.
Yet if popular culture and fashion are accurate representations of history, we can be pretty sure that color and how we perceive it will continue to change.
Neon had its heyday in the 80s, showing up on everything from socks to markers. In the early 2000s, frosty metallics became the must-have car color. And today, we seem to prefer painting our rooms in bright lipstick colors and soft baby blues.
Why does our preference for color change over time? It turns out it has a lot to do with how we experience the everyday. We might be more drawn to soft blues lately because those colors bring us a sense of calm, an antidote to our more fast-paced always-on days!
Western culture has a strong association with blue. Perceived as “trustworthy,” it’s used on mailboxes, in uniforms and in flag colors. It’s also considered a favorite color across cultures, most likely because of its association to water and the sky.
For one day, jot down all the places you notice the color blue.
Whether it’s baby blue walls, on clothing or in street signs, what does it signify to you?
How much blue do you see in the everyday? Share your experience on Facebook and help others gain from your experience!